November 11th Stocking Stuffing Meeting

Hey ladies!

Don’t forget that next Tuesday, November 11th is our annual Stocking Stuffing meeting at Ashley Duncan’s house!

We will be stuffing 45 stockings for the Billingsville after school program.  The after school program has a great group of kids that are funny, active, create and smart!  Their families just need a little extra support so F3 (a fitness group in our area) sponsors the after school group and every year at Christmas they have a party with stockings, gifts, food, and Santa!

The after school program has 15 girls and 11 boys (26 kids total) in Kindergarten through 2nd grade and 13 girls and 6 boys (19 total), 3rd through 5th grade.

Each BWE Women’s club member is asked to bring around $10 worth of items to fill the stockings!

Some suggested items to bring are:

winter hats and gloves



hair accessories

toothbrush and toothpaste

nail polish

lip gloss/ chap stick

scented lotion

small legos

action figures

card games

bouncy balls

pencils, crayons, markers, colored pencils

small notebooks,

puzzle/activity books

small stuffed animals

anything you would put in your child’s stocking

Please keep in mind that these are elementary age kids so try not to bring anything too babyish and no fake weapons.  Also please don’t bring any candy.  Ashley will have some on hand. Please make sure your items FIT into a stocking!

Can’t wait to see you there at 7:00pm!

Ashley Duncan’s Address:

3125 Champaign Street

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