1st Annual Accessory Exchange



We all have that item in our accessory wardrobe that is “just-not-me.”  It might be a silver bracelet your mother-in-law gave to you when in reality, you’re a gold kind of gal.  We finished up the holiday season and you might have received that third purple scarf that you just do not need…

Let’s exchange it!

We wrapped up our accessory and playing the Dirty Santa gift game, we “stole” ourselves a new accessory!

A Exchange 2 A Exchange 3

A Exchange 1

Congratulations to Martha! She was the winner of our Monthly Member Drawing for a free meal at Brixx!

BEAUTY COUNTER: Sip, Sample and See

Hello Ladies!

Next Saturday, March 28th, Kerri Ward is hosting a Sip, Sample and See at her house at 4:30pm.  Please join her to start taking control of your skin today!

A Message From Kerri:

Have you ever thought about what harmful toxic products you may be putting on your skin everyday (and your kids)?  The skin is our largest organ and it’s time to find out what has been hidden from us for years…because we deserve better!  I hope you’ll join me to learn how we can take control of what we put on our bodies every day!

Do you know:

– The US hasn’t passed a law regulating personal care products since 1938?

– 80% of the ingredients we use EVERY day have NEVER been tested?

– The European Union bans 1400 ingredients, the US only bans 11….

See you Saturday!

Kerri Ward

January Healthy Recipe Meeting

Last night we had a wonderful laid back meeting at Amy Peterson’s home.  Our theme for the meeting was a recipe exchange and PJ/super casual attire was highly reccomended.  🙂

We enjoyed delicious treats made by the Carrie/Kerry/Cari’s and caught up on everyone’s holiday gatherings. 

Karen Cannon was the winner of our monthly member raffle and to say a her gift certificate to KM and Company Salon was much needed is an understatement as Karen and her husband just welcomed little Miss. Blair into their family six weeks ago.  Karen deserves a little mommy pampering at KM!  Congatulations Karen!



Over 15 healthy recipe’s were shared, one being a recipe for this Homemade Vegetable Soup:

Vegetable Soup


1lb ground beef or ground turkey

1 large onion (chopped)

1 large V8 juice (spicy option)

1 package mixed frozen vegetable

1/3 cup barley (quick or regular)



1 tsp garlic salt

1 tsp lemon pepper

Directions:  brown onion and meat togther in a large saucepan.  Mix in the rest of the ingredients and cook for 1 hour.


Check back over the next week for other recipes that were exchanged!

A Successful Stocking Stuffing !

Our November Stocking Stuffing party was a huge success as we were able to stuff all 45 stockings!

The kids at Billingsville Elementary are going to be extremely excited at their holiday party as they each receive a Christmas stocking stuffed full of games, matchbox cars, markers, hair bows, bubbles, gloves, socks, nail polish..and the list goes on and on!  Thank you to all the women’s club members who donated items.

A special thank you to Ashley Duncan who coordinates this event.  It truly is a meeting that we all look forward to each year.

STocking Pic 5

The table of girls goodies!

Stocking Pic 4

Karin, Kim, Sungi, Mary and Jenny working on some girls stockings

Stocking Pic 3

Annie and Katie

Stocking Pic 2

Kerri working to fill a boy stocking

Stocking Pic 1

All 45 completed stockings

Group Stocking Pic

Mission Accomplished

Also, CONGRATULATIONS to Ashley Duncan! She was the winner of our first monthly member drawing!  Ashley won a gift card to Which Wich!  

We will have a drawing each month for those that have paid their member dues; must be present to win!  🙂

November 11th Stocking Stuffing Meeting

Hey ladies!

Don’t forget that next Tuesday, November 11th is our annual Stocking Stuffing meeting at Ashley Duncan’s house!

We will be stuffing 45 stockings for the Billingsville after school program.  The after school program has a great group of kids that are funny, active, create and smart!  Their families just need a little extra support so F3 (a fitness group in our area) sponsors the after school group and every year at Christmas they have a party with stockings, gifts, food, and Santa!

The after school program has 15 girls and 11 boys (26 kids total) in Kindergarten through 2nd grade and 13 girls and 6 boys (19 total), 3rd through 5th grade.

Each BWE Women’s club member is asked to bring around $10 worth of items to fill the stockings!

Some suggested items to bring are:

winter hats and gloves



hair accessories

toothbrush and toothpaste

nail polish

lip gloss/ chap stick

scented lotion

small legos

action figures

card games

bouncy balls

pencils, crayons, markers, colored pencils

small notebooks,

puzzle/activity books

small stuffed animals

anything you would put in your child’s stocking

Please keep in mind that these are elementary age kids so try not to bring anything too babyish and no fake weapons.  Also please don’t bring any candy.  Ashley will have some on hand. Please make sure your items FIT into a stocking!

Can’t wait to see you there at 7:00pm!

Ashley Duncan’s Address:

3125 Champaign Street

BWE Halloween Party and Costume Contest/Parade

Come join all our neighbors on Friday, October 31st in the Plumgrove cul-de-sac for some pre trick-or-treating fun!

At 5:00pm pizza, fruit, veggies & dip, chips and a drink will be provided for $5 per person (adults and children).

At 5:30pm we will start our Halloween parade and costume contest.

Adults are welcome to BYOB.

Even if you do not have little trick-or-treaters, come socialize with us!  Everyone is welcome.

Several pictures from last years 2013 Halloween gathering.

Halloween 5

BWE Halloween 2013

Halloween 1

BWE Halloween 2013

Halloween 2

BWE Halloween 2013 – Pizza is served!


Congratulations Mary Sherrill Ware

BWE Women’s Club wants to send a special congratulations to Mary Sherrill Ware and her graduation from Wake Forest University’s MBA program.  During graduation, Mary also received the Leadership Award which was voted on by her classmates.  The Leadership Award recognizes an individual with outstanding leadership, scholarship, performance and integrity.  Congratulations Mary!

Not only has Mary had her nose in the books the past couple years, she is also a member of Charlotte’s Junior League as well as a member of the grants committee for the Women’s Impact Fund.  Mary currently works as a financial advisor at Wells Fargo.

BWE Women’s Club is proud of your accomplishments!

mary graduation

Little Free Library

We have a new addition coming to the neighborhood…  It’s a Little Free Library!


The Little Free Library was started in 2009 by Todd Bol of Hudson, Wisconsin.  He built a model of a one room schoolhouse as a tribute to his mother, a former school teacher who loved reading. He filled it with books and put it on a post in front of his yard.  His neighbors and friends loved it.  The concept caught on and with the help of Rich Brooks, the Little Free Library organization blossomed. The organization now has a goal to build 2,510 Little Free Libraries across the world.  The groups mission is to promote literacy and the love of reading by building free book exchanges worldwide and to also build a sense of community as we share skills, creativity and wisdom across generations.

The neighborhood civic committee is heading up the build of our very own Little Free Library which will be placed on the grassy island in the middle of the Warewhip cul-de-sac. The Women’s Club will be helping with the library dedication on November 8th at 5:00pm by providing refreshments.

The Little Free Library Dedication has been added to our Events Calendar and if you are interested in helping Kerri Ward co-host, email Blain.Higgins@gmail.com and we will have you added to the list!

For more information about the Little Free Library organization, check out their website at LittleFreeLibrary.org.

library 2

free little library

Welcome to BWE Women’s Club

Whether you are a returning member, a friend we have not seen in a long time or a new neighbor, we welcome you to join us in the BWE Women’s Club!

Ladies Night Out at Cowfish

Ladies night out at Cowfish.

BWE Women’s Club members at the neighborhood happy hour

BWE Womens Club members attend a local dance class

BWE Women’s Club members attend a local dance class

Thanks for stopping by!