January Healthy Recipe Meeting

Last night we had a wonderful laid back meeting at Amy Peterson’s home.  Our theme for the meeting was a recipe exchange and PJ/super casual attire was highly reccomended.  🙂

We enjoyed delicious treats made by the Carrie/Kerry/Cari’s and caught up on everyone’s holiday gatherings. 

Karen Cannon was the winner of our monthly member raffle and to say a her gift certificate to KM and Company Salon was much needed is an understatement as Karen and her husband just welcomed little Miss. Blair into their family six weeks ago.  Karen deserves a little mommy pampering at KM!  Congatulations Karen!



Over 15 healthy recipe’s were shared, one being a recipe for this Homemade Vegetable Soup:

Vegetable Soup


1lb ground beef or ground turkey

1 large onion (chopped)

1 large V8 juice (spicy option)

1 package mixed frozen vegetable

1/3 cup barley (quick or regular)



1 tsp garlic salt

1 tsp lemon pepper

Directions:  brown onion and meat togther in a large saucepan.  Mix in the rest of the ingredients and cook for 1 hour.


Check back over the next week for other recipes that were exchanged!