BEAUTY COUNTER: Sip, Sample and See

Hello Ladies!

Next Saturday, March 28th, Kerri Ward is hosting a Sip, Sample and See at her house at 4:30pm.  Please join her to start taking control of your skin today!

A Message From Kerri:

Have you ever thought about what harmful toxic products you may be putting on your skin everyday (and your kids)?  The skin is our largest organ and it’s time to find out what has been hidden from us for years…because we deserve better!  I hope you’ll join me to learn how we can take control of what we put on our bodies every day!

Do you know:

– The US hasn’t passed a law regulating personal care products since 1938?

– 80% of the ingredients we use EVERY day have NEVER been tested?

– The European Union bans 1400 ingredients, the US only bans 11….

See you Saturday!

Kerri Ward

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